As one Massachusetts’s top interior painters, Metrowest Painting is often asked several questions concerning the ins and out of interior painting. However, there’s one that stands out the most. And, that is if weather matters. From rainy to freezing days and then the hot and steamy, how does the weather affect the paint, the application process, and how it dries? Well, we’re taking this time to answer all of your questions about painting and the weather!
Humidity and Rain
As New Englanders, we find it only appropriate to begin our conversation around humidity. Yes, we all love those 100% humidity levels that so frequent the region. But, does humidity make a difference to interior painters? The short answer is maybe. Depending on the paint and the environment, humidity can play a huge factor when it concerns drying times. For example, water-based based are manufactured around specific ratios of pigment, additives, and water. When you increase the levels of water with moisture droplets in the air, solvent is added. The added solvent then thins the paint, which changes the expected drying time. However, many interior painters have the luxury of working in temperature controlled environments during these unpleasantly sticky or rainy days. If this is the case, more often than not, your paint remains unaffected.
Again, working indoors provides a more controlled environment which leads to fewer complications within the painting process. However, depending on the type of paint being applied, the recommended range of temperatures fluctuates. For latex-based paints, the ideal temperature range is between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. However, for oil-based paints, the range changes to 40 and 90 degrees. Although the difference seems minimal, we promise it makes a world of difference. If you’re attempting to paint the interior of your home outside of the manufacturer’s recommendations, the results may be less than desirable. Cracking and peeling paint are generally the results of paint applied outside of the ideal temperature range.
And there you have it. As the top interior painters in Massachusetts, our team at Metrowest Painting is always here to help! Whether you’re considering interior or exterior painting, our team of experts understand the intricate workings needed to get the job done right. To schedule your consultation with Metrowest Painting, contact our team today at (508) 393-0000.